CRM to attract new customers

The CRM comes from the acronym “Customer Relationship Managementa�?. It is a business philosophy which is to get to know the customers of the company and thus anticipate what the needs of existing and potential customers, and thus offer a more effective way our products or services.
However, the main advantages of this type of philosophy we obtain new customers, to reach them in the most effective way. Knowing and being able to offer solutions to their needs, the fidelity of the same, as your company will be able to adapt their particular constantly changing needs. Also, improve the perception of the company to customers and power, besides having more customers; sell more products and services to each of them.

How is it done?

In order to obtain these results, all members of the company must take this philosophy. Therefore, it must be grasped as much information about customers not only business-related information, it is also important personal information from them. His tastes, he likes to do in his spare time, he likes food, etc. All this information, collected, organized, and access to all company personnel at any time, will establish a personal relationship with each customer, and thus anticipate what you want or need.
At this point, technology plays an important role.A� Hence, a good computer system to gather, store and access that information, can greatly help get explained above purposes. A CRM software is a computer system supporting the management of customer relations, sales and marketing that fulfills that role. It is a system that manages a data warehouse with information on sales management and customers of the company. These systems are generally composed of the following:

  • Modulo account: where the information related to accounts with customers, suppliers, departments administered.
  • Module prospects: where you have information for people or companies representing opportunity to become future customers.
  • Module contacts: where is managed all those people with whom you communicate.
  • Module products where the products or services offered by your organization is managed.
  • Support Module: manage tickets or queries customers, suppliers or departments and their answers.
  • Module reports and charts which allow personalized information for making better decisions.

Fulfillment of the objectives through the CRM

One of the main objectives of sales or marketing professional is to get new customers. Due to the proliferation of devices and channels through which customers interact, uptake is complete. Sales constantly increase according to customer expectations when receiving a personalized and individual service.

To make these expectations reality, sales and marketing departments need to work together. But often, customers entering and leaving the process, lost opportunities. Companies using digital technologies such as CRM, can register, manage and combine all points of customer contact, and in all channels, market leadership.

Stages of the process

Made the first purchase, process, or client work is not over, has just begun. A positive and integrated product expertise and customer service as key to a long-term relationship with customers and the recommendations of these. Customer experience goes beyond marketing. It is the sum of each interaction the customer has with the brand, and that includes the service, advertising, sales process and much more.
Companies must understand all stages of the customer lifecycle, from first contact to after-sales service, such as integrated processes between departments. A continuous process is the basis for attracting customers continuously, with the right message at the right time. The goal is to deliver personalized content to keep the brand in the mind of the customer, even if this is not yet ready to make another purchase.

Integrate social networks to CRM

In the age of communication in social networks, when a single message can generate millions of impressions in minutes you can be the best advocates or the biggest detractors of a brand. Therefore, a solution management customer relationship (CRM) should integrate social networks, allowing any employee from the CRM interact with customers across all channels.
Because thanks to the process explained not only the reference information of a customer but your taste is obtained, the time available. Considere that their usual purchases and the best way to contact us. It is just part of each sales department management information and make this process still open and take the next step in which doing more solid loyalty of our customers will be the next task.
